
Unified Infrastructure Manager Plugin


  • The Unified Infrastructure Manager plugin gives the possibility to the CA UIM’s “promonitor” probe to collect metrics, alarms and metadata
  • Once active, this plugin will collect all generated alerts, metrics and metadata and store them waiting for the probe to collect them
  • To limit memory usage the number of element temporally stored is limited


  • Configure Pro.Monitor to activate CA UIM plugin:
    • This will make alerts and metrics available for collection by UIM
  • CA UIM: Install and deploy promonitor probe.
    • It will connect to Pro.Monitor to collect available metrics and alarms
    • It will inject alarms and metrics in UIM's DB via the message bus.


  • From the plugin menu, select type Unified Infrastructure Manager and create the plugin, this will open plugin configuration screen
  • Fill the plugin settings form:
    • Enabled: To enable or disable the plugin
    • Name: The name of the plugin to display in the list of plugins
    • IP(s) allowed to collect: The IP(s) of the robot(s) with a promonitor probe installed that are allowed to collect data from Pro.Monitor
    • Max message queue size: The maximum number of alerts or metrics waiting in the output buffer. Used to limit the memory usage if events are created faster than consumed.

Note: If the promonitor probe is deployed on the same robot than sapbasis_agentil probe, the former configuration file will be automatically uploaded in Pro.Monitor and available in the Snapshots menu

Import configuration from sapbasis_agentil to Pro.Monitor

  • From the snapshot menu, upload sapbasis_agentil.json file like any regular snapshot file.
  • Apply the uploaded configuration. This will replace any existing configuration

Note: This operation will not replace the current licences of Pro.Monitor

Deploy UIM dedicated Probe

  • Prerequisites:
    • UIM promonitor probe is a Java application, you must deploy a jre probe before on the same robot
  • Open the Web admin console or the Infrastructure Manager
  • Go in the Archive view/tree
  • Open the host holding the probe archives and select import in Action/Contextual menu
  • Select the probe archive and apply
  • It will appear in the list of probes

  • To install the probe on the selected robot:
    • Web Console: select the probe in the archive and select deploy in the contextual menu
    • Infra. Manager: Drag&Drop the probe on the selected robot
  • The probe will be deployed on the robot and ready for configuration
  • Right click on the probe in the robot and press Raw configure or Configure…
  • Set the fields accordingly:
    • port: Pro.Monitor port number (HTTP or HTTPS)
    • hostname: Pro.Monitor's host
    • secureConnection: Set to true to use HTTPS
    • logLevel: 1 - Low, 2 - Medium, 3 - High
  • Then activate the probe
  • Open the probe's logs via contextual menu to check connectivity and data collection.

/home/clients/8c48b436badcd3a0bdaaba8c59a54bf1/wiki-web/data/pages/products/cockpit.old/6.7/userguide/configuration/plugins/cauim.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/01 18:39 (external edit)