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E-mail Plugin


  • The e-mail plugin gives the possibility to send alarms via e-mail
  • Once active, this plugin will collect all generated alerts and send e-mails only if the alert haven’t been already notified by a previous e-mail
  • It is possible to define several receivers, receivers in copy and receivers in blind copy.


  • As a prerequisites, Pro.Monitor has to have access to an SMTP server
  • In the Administrator “Plugins” menu item, select Mail type and create the plugin, this will open the plugin configuration screen
  • If an e-mail gateway is defined in Pro.Monitor via the admin configuration (Admin Configuration –> Mail gateaway) you can import those settings directly in a plugin by simply clicking on the “Copy mail gateway settings if configured” button (on top of the settings sections) , corresponding fields will then be automatically filled. (see image I)
  • Fill the plugin settings form:
    • Enabled: To enable or disable the plugin
    • Name: The name of the plugin to display in the list of plugins
    • Server*: URL to the SMTP server
    • Port*: Port to use to address the server
    • Secure TLS connection*: To set if the server need to communicate via a secure TLS connection
    • Username/Password*: If an authentication to the server is mandatory the credentials can be defined here
    • From: Define the sender’s e-mail address
    • To: Type in this field a receiver e-mail address and hit the add button to add this address the receivers list. To delete a receiver use the delete button
    • Cc: Type in this field a receiver in copy e-mail address and hit the add button to add this address the receivers in copy list. To delete a receiver use the delete button
    • Bcc: Type in this field a receiver in blind copy e-mail address and hit the add button to add this address the receivers in blind copy list. To delete a receiver use the delete button
    • Text or HTML : Define content type mail
    • Subject : Subject email sended
    • Email body : Customize the content email.

  • Notice that you can use the following predefined Pro.Monitor variables along “Subject” and “Email body” fields:
    • %ID% : will write the Alarm ID
    • %GROUP% : will write the Group (Company) name
    • %SID% : will write the System ID (SID)
    • %INSTANCE% : will write the Pro.Monitor instance name
    • %SEVERITY% : will write the the Alarm severity level
    • %MESSAGE% : will write the message sent by the Alarm
    • %MODULE% : will write the Alarm module
    • %TO_CLEAR% : will write “true” or “false” depending on if the Alarm is to be cleared or not
    • %CLEARABLE% : will write “true” or “false” depending on if the Alarm is a “can-be-cleared” type or not
    • %TIMESTAMP% : will write the timestamp of the Alarm
    • %COMPONENT% : will write the Alarm component (i.e. “disk”)
    • %STACK% : will write the alarm stack type
    • %ALARM_TAG% : will write the description of the alarm tag
    • %CLEARED% : will write “CLEARED” if the Alarn has been already cleared or “” (none) if not
    • %COUNT% : will write alarm counter
    • %AGENT% : will write the Agent UUID (Pro.Monitor internal Agent unique identifier code)
/home/clients/8c48b436badcd3a0bdaaba8c59a54bf1/wiki-web/data/pages/products/cockpit.old/6.7/userguide/configuration/plugins/email.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/01 18:39 (external edit)