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SAPControl connector


  • With the SAP control connector, you can collect information available through the SAP management console for ABAP and JAVA stack systems:
    • Running processes and services
    • Active components
    • Published server metrics and alerts
  • This connector uses the SAPControl web services available on each instance
  • One connector per monitored application server can be necessary
  • To create connector, there are two steps:
    1. Create an OS user and register it in Pro.Monitor
    2. Create and set connector parameters

Create user profile

  • User profiles can be reached via Systems→SAP users
  • Create a new profile using the “Add” button
  • Once created, the user profile can be selected in the connector form
  • Note: A user profile is by default associated with a company . You can explicitly set a profile to be cross companies. The effect is that it will be selectable from connectors of any companies.
  • The corresponding user must be created in the server at OS level, and associated with the appropriate user group in order to have the authorization to execute the webservices
  • See Note 927637 for more information about user settings on the application server
  • Look for the section describing the use of service/protectedwebmethods, make sure to allow the access of all Getter/Reader services :
    • GetStartProfile
    • GetTraceFile
    • GetAlertTree
    • GetAlerts
    • GetEnvironment
    • GetVersionInfo
    • GetQueueStatistic
    • GetProcessList
    • GetInstanceProperties
    • ListDeveloperTraces
    • ListLogFiles
    • GetSystemInstanceList
    • ABAPReadSyslog
    • ABAPReadRawSyslog
    • ABAPGetWPTable
    • J2EEGetProcessList
    • J2EEGetThreadList
    • J2EEGetSessionList
    • J2EEGetCacheStatistic
    • J2EEGetApplicationAliasList
    • J2EEGetVMGCHistory
    • J2EEGetVMHeapInfo
    • ReadDeveloperTrace
    • J2EEGetComponentList

Create connector

  • Select the system in the Systems tree and select “Add connector” in its contextual menu, choose ABAP type.
  • The default ABAP connector form will let you configure a connection to the message server.
    • Host: the hostname or IP address of the ABAP message server
    • System number: The system number of the application server, this will define connection ports: 5XX13 or 5XX14 if secure mode is on.
    • User: The user profile to use for the connection
    • Force connection port: To use if the port of the service is different than 5XX13 or 5XX14
  • Press Save & Test to save the profile and check the connection is working

/home/clients/8c48b436badcd3a0bdaaba8c59a54bf1/wiki-web/data/pages/products/promonitor/6.5/userguide/systemsconnectors/sapcontrol.txt · Last modified: 2019/02/04 11:01 (external edit)