
5. BusinessObjects connector


  • With the SAP BusinessObjects connector, you can collect information from the CMS and the CMS portal
  • You need to define one connector per BusinessObject system
  • To create connector, there are two steps:
    1. Create an OS user and register it in Pro.Monitor
    2. Create and set connector parameters

Create user profile

  • User profiles can be reached via Systems→SAP users
  • Create a new profile using the “Add” button
  • Once created, the user profile can be selected in the connector form
  • Note: A user profile is by default associated with a company . You can explicitly set a profile to be cross companies. The effect is that it will be selectable from connectors of any companies.
  • The corresponding user must be created in the system to get access to CMS repository and CMC portal

Create connector

  • Select the system in the Systems tree and select “Add connector” in its contextual menu, choose ABAP type.
    • Title : The name of the instance
    • Central Management Service Host: The CMS’s host
    • CMS Port: The CMS’s port. By default the port 6400 will be used
    • Central Management Console Host: This parameter is optional, enter this value if it is different from CMS’s host
    • CMC port : The CMC’s port. By default the port 80 will be used
    • Max invalid time: The time in milliseconds that the connection to the CMS isn’t available before sending an alert telling that Pro.Monitor isn’t able to monitor your instance
    • Max response time: A request’s to the CMS timeout
    • User: The user’s credentials to use to connect to you instance. If the user don’t exist already use the “Handle users” link

/home/clients/8c48b436badcd3a0bdaaba8c59a54bf1/wiki-web/data/pages/products/promonitor/6.7/userguide/configuration/systemsconnectors/businessobjects.txt · Last modified: 2019/02/21 09:06 by fnavarro