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Install JAVA

For Linux

Linux CentOS/RedHat

  • Use the existing package installer (apt or yum for example) to install or upgrade latest GA version of JAVA OpenJDK
  • Example on CentOS:
yum install java-latest-openjdk-headless.x86_64   # Installs the latest OpenJDK binaries
alternatives --config java                        # In case of upgrade: Switches the links to point to the new version
java -version                                     # Check you run the latest version 
  • Or download the Linux/x64 archive from and decompress it in your usual Java install path and update /usr/bin/java link
  • Refer to the online documentation specific to your Linux distribution

Linux Open SUSE Leap 15.2

Run the following commands to install JAVA openjdk 15

zypper up
zypper ar java
zypper mr -p 70 java
zypper refresh
zypper in java-15-openjdk [To try first in case it is already available]
java --version

Manual install

Note: In the below example, jdk install folder is in /usr/lib/jvm/

tar zxvf openjdk-20.0.1_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz -C /usr/lib/jvm/
alternatives --install  /usr/bin/java java /usr/lib/jvm/jdk-20.0.1/bin/java 99
alternatives --config java -> select new version

If a JAVA version is already installed on your system before the installation of openjdk 15, use alternatives command to change the java version used by your system.

alternatives --config java                        # In case of upgrade: Switches the links to point to the new version
# logout and login again to have the environment variables defined.

For Windows

  • Stop Redpeaks service
  • You can use the latest JAVA OpenJDK GA version (currently 13) available here:
  • Download the windows/x64 archive from the build section and unzip it in your usual Java install path: C:\Program Files\Java
  • Add the path to the JAVA bin folder within your SYSTEM Path variable (Example: C:\Program Files\Java\openJdk_12\bin)
  • Set JRE_HOME environment variable to the JAVA installation folder
  • Open a shell and execute java –version you should see a similar screen, mentioning 64-Bit Server VM
  • Start the Redpeaks service

Migration from JAVA JRE to OpenSDK

  • Stop Redpeaks service
  • Download the OpenSdk Archive and expand it.
  • Uninstall former versions of JAVA
  • Remove folder C:\ProgramData\Oracle (Hidden folder)
  • Set PATH SYSTEM environment variable to the folder of java.exe (Example: C:\Program Files\Java\openJdk_12\bin)
  • Set JRE_HOME SYSTEM environement variables to the install folder of java (Example: C:\Program Files\Java\openJdk_12)
  • Execute program [PROMONITOR_INSTALL_FOLDER]\bin\pro_monitorw.exe : Open Java tab and check that Java Virtual Machine is set to the correct location.

Need to troubleshoot: Installation problems


  • Avoid installing version 151 and 161 of Java 8, it has known issues preventing to use compression between server and browsers
/home/clients/8c48b436badcd3a0bdaaba8c59a54bf1/wiki-web/data/pages/products/promonitor/6.8/installguide/installjava.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/01 18:35 (external edit)