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This monitor will collect the current alerts from HANA statistics engine.

Configuration hints

  • By default, this monitor will generate an alarm for each collected HANA alert matching the minimum severity settings, set to LOW by default.
  • Use the configuration table to create specific monitoring rules such as:
    • Exclude a particular host
    • Implement specific severity mapping
    • Manage specific alert id.

Default severity Mapping

HANA alert Generated severity


Atomic fields

Auto clearIf checked the alarms will be cleared if the alert is not present anymore in the statistics engine
Minimum severityThe minimum severity of the alerts
Send metadata When active, this will send collected alerts as metadata to redpeaks cockpit

Configuration table table

Parameter Description
Active If checked, the rule is enabled and will be evaluated
Host Filters alerts associated to this specified host
Alert id Filters on a specific alert id
Min rating Filters on the rating of the alert. Only alerts with a rating higher or equal to the specified rating will be processed
Rating mapping Use this field combined with Severity mapping. Select the alert rating to associate with the severity of the generated alarm
Severity mapping The severity to associate with the selected rating
Auto clear If active, the generated alarms will be cleared automatically when the corresponding HANA alert will be cleared
Use index If active, the index of the HANA alert will be used in generated alarm id, making it unique
Alarm tag Sets an arbitrary tag for alarms generated by this rule. It can then be used for filtering in alarm rules

Note: To filter on a specific unique HANA alert ID, use the format ^X$, where X is the alert ID.

Exemple ^7$ ensures only alerts with the exact ID 7 will be processed by the monitoring rule.

/home/clients/8c48b436badcd3a0bdaaba8c59a54bf1/wiki-web/data/pages/products/promonitor/6.8/monitorsguide/hana/alerts.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/10 15:32 by jtbeduchaud