
HANA backups

Backups are important for disaster recovery, you have to make sure that DATA and LOG are saved regularly.
This monitor will look for the time elapsed between last backup as well as backup size and duration.

Configuration hints

DATA backups

  • Use alarm/metric/report checkbox to enable sending alarms, metrics or report customization for DATA backups
  • Define backup error severity to receive alarms when a backup has failed.
  • Define Max backup duration severity
  • Define max time since last successful backup

LOG backups

  • Use alarm/metric/report checkbox to enable sending alarms, metrics or report customization for LOG backups
  • Define backup error severity to receive alarms when a backup has failed.
  • Define max backup duration threshold and severity
  • Define max age of last successful backup and severity
  • Expected log mode: You can define the expected log mode and get an alarm if the current mode is not as expected
  • Automatic log backup: You can define the expected automatic log backup setting and get an alarm if the current setting is not as expected

Backup duration/age threshold

  • If you set an absolute number or a number with units like (m, h, or d for minutes, hours, days), an alarm will be sent if threshold is reached, using configured severity
  • If you set a multi-threshold syntax (ex: G2W:30 W2M:60 M2C:120), the thresholds must be set in minutes.

Backup size

  • For each type of backup, you can monitor file size and get notified when threshold is reached.
  • Just select the backup type


  • You can disabled a check by setting its threshold to 0 or setting its severity to disabled.

Surveillance table

ActiveIf checked, the rule is enabled and will be processed
HostCan be used to restrict the monitoring to a given host (multi instance case). A star (‘*’) will matchany host.
Service: Defines from which service the backup files will be checked. A star (‘*’) will match any service.
Backup typeThe type of backup.
Max size (TB/GB/MB)The maximum file size. Unit can be specified: TB, GB, MB or KB. If no unit specified, the valuewill be assumed as bytes. If set to 0, the size won’t be monitored.
SeverityDefines the level of severity of the alarm that will be generated if one of the thresholds isreached.
Alarm tagYou can define some text to use as a prefix of the alarm message generated by the current rule.
AlarmDefines if an alarm/metric has to be generated for the given rule.
MetricDefines if an alarm/metric has to be generated for the given rule.

Generated metrics

LOG_BACKUP_DURATIONMinutesSERVICEThe duration of the last LOG backup in minutes.
DATA_BACKUP_DURATIONMinutesSERVICEThe duration of the last DATA backup in minutes.
TIME_SINCE_LAST_LOG_BACKUPMinutesTYPEThe number of elapsed minutes since last LOG backup.
TIME_SINCE_LAST_DATA_BACKUPMinutesTYPEThe number of elapsed hours since last DATA backup.
DATA_BACKUP_FILE_SIZEBytesHOST - SERVICEThe size of the DATA backup file.
LOG_BACKUP_FILE_SIZEBytesHOST - SERVICEThe size of the LOG backup file.
/home/clients/8c48b436badcd3a0bdaaba8c59a54bf1/wiki-web/data/pages/products/promonitor/6.8/monitorsguide/hana/hanabackups.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/01 18:35 (external edit)