
NetCool plugin

This plugin allows to send alarms to the NetCool bus, and to customize parameters of the alarm payload.


  • Fill the plugin settings form:
    • Active: Toggle to enable or disable the plugin
    • Name: The name of the plugin
    • Username The username for connecting to Netcool
    • Password The password for connecting to Netcool
    • Primary URL: Web service URL to send all alarms by default
    • Failover URL Backup web service URL, used if the primary URL becomes unavailable
    • URL Selected The active URL in use (defaults to Primary, but can manually switch to Failover if needed)
    • Failover Timeout The time interval before automatically switching between URLs if a failure occurs
    • Send Timeout Timeout duration for alarm send
    • Custom properties: Specify additional custom properties for alarm payloads
      • You can override default properties of the alarm payload.


Default payload

Field Description
Severity Alarm severity
Type 1 (Problem)
AlertGroup Alarm module
AlertKey Alarm id
Node System
Summary Alarm message

Custom Parameters

Notice that you can use the following predefined Redpeaks variables along to customize the payload send by the plugin to NetCool

Variable Description
%ID% replaces by the Alarm ID
%GROUP% replaces by the Group (Company) name
%SID% replaces by the System ID (SID)
%CLIENT% replaces by the SAP client (ABAP Connector)
%INSTANCE% replaces by the Redpeaks instance name
%SEVERITY% replaces by the the Alarm severity level
%MESSAGE% replaces by the message sent by the Alarm
%MODULE% replaces by the Alarm module
%TO_CLEAR% replaces by “true” or “false” depending on if the Alarm is to be cleared or not
%CLEARABLE% replaces by “true” or “false” depending on if the Alarm is a “can-be-cleared” type or not
%COMPONENT% replaces by the Alarm component (i.e. “disk”)
%STACK% replaces by the alarm stack type
%ALARM_TAG% replaces by the description of the alarm tag
%CLEARED% replaces by “CLEARED” if the Alarn has been already cleared or “” (none) if not
%COUNT% replaces by alarm counter
%AGENT% replaces by the Agent UUID (Redpeaks internal Agent unique identifier code)
%SAMPLE_RATE% replaces by the monitor sample rate as per execution schedule
%RULE_NAME% replaces by the name of the rule matched by the alarm, if any
%RULE_DESCRIPTION% replaces by the description of the rule matched by the alarm, if any
%TIMESTAMP% replaces by the formatted timestamp of the Alarm in local timezone
%TIMESTAMP_UNIX% replaces by the unformatted timestamp of the Alarm in UNIX epoch format (milliseconds since January 1st 1970)
%TIMESTAMP_XXX% replaces by the formatted timestamp of the Alarm using specified timezone (XXX): Example: %TIMESTAMP_UTC%


  • Once configured, all generated alarms will be processed by the plugin and sent to the integration.
  • Activate alarm rules to control which alarms will be processed by the plugin.
  • Use the plugin Details button from the plugins table to display usage statistics.
  • Define multiple plugins; they work independently.
  • The plugin processes alarms only when active.
  • The Send Timeout is the maximum time allowed for sending an alarm query before it fails.

Failover System

  • If the Selected URL (default is Primary) cannot be reached within this Failover Timeout, the plugin will attempt to connect to the Failover URL
  • If the Failover URL works, alarms will continue to be sent via Failover.
  • The plugin will remain on Failover until manually updated to switch back to Primary.
  • If the Failover URL also fails, the plugin will retry connecting to the Primary URL periodically (Time writed on Failover Timeout).
  • You can manually swap the Primary URL to the Failover URL in the configuration for planned maintenance.
/home/clients/8c48b436badcd3a0bdaaba8c59a54bf1/wiki-web/data/pages/products/promonitor/6.8/userguide/configuration/plugins/netcool.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/19 11:08 by jtbeduchaud