With the HANA DB connector, you can collect information directly from the database itself:
All statistics data (service status, CPU, disk, memory, threads, connections, etc…),HANA alerts, Performance statistics and more
Unlike other systems, HANA connectors will be created automatically based on system settings
This connector uses a direct SQL connection in the database
To create HANA connector, there are two steps:
Create a DB user and register it in Redpeaks
Edit the HANA system and register connection
Note: You must install HANA ngdbc.jar driver if you want to connect to a HANA database
Create user profile
User profiles can be reached via Systems→SAP users
Create a new profile using the “Add” button
Once created, the user profile can be selected in the connector form
Note: A user profile is by default associated with a company . You can explicitly set a profile to be cross companies. The effect is that it will be selectable from connectors of any companies.
The corresponding user must be created in the database and must be granted with MONITORING role
Create connector
From a group contextual menu, select Add HANA system
Set common parameters:
System ID:SAP System Id (up to 3 characters)
Instance number: Main instance number
Description: SAP system description
In the Nodes section (tab):
Define the hostnames of the nodes of the system (can be multiple in case of s scale-out system)
In the Databases section (tab):
Define the tenants that you want to monitor:
Notice that one connector per tenant will be created
Title: the display name of the tenant
Tenant: the tenant name in the DB
Default port: If active, will compute the tenant’s port based on its system number
SQL port: The custom port if default port if disabled.
User: The user profile to use for the connection
Secure: To enable if secure connection is going to be used
Primary: To enable if the system is replicated and is a primary node.
/home/clients/8c48b436badcd3a0bdaaba8c59a54bf1/wiki-web/data/pages/products/promonitor/6.8/userguide/configuration/systemsconnectors/hana.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/26 11:55 by rbariou