
Oracle connector


  • With the Oracle connector, you can connect to an Oracle database via a JDBC driver.
  • The database will then be monitored by querying information from the database with SQL requests
  • To create connector, there are two steps:
    • Create a user profile in the database and register it in Redpeaks
    • Create and set connector parameters

Create user profile

  • User profiles can be created via the Configure menu
  • Once created, the user profile can be selected in the connector form
  • Note: A user profile is by default associated with a company . You can explicitly set a profile to be cross companies. The effect is that it will be selectable from connectors of any companies.
  • The corresponding user must be created in the database as well.

Create connector

  • Select the system in the Systems tree and select “Add connector” in its contextual menu, choose Oracle type.
  • Fill in the connector parameters:
    • Title The display name of the connector
    • Host: The hostname or IP address of the database host
    • Port: The port of the database service (Default is often 1521)
    • Database name: The database to connect to
    • User: The user profile to use for the connection
    • Properties: Optional properties to add to the connection parameters (separated with semicolon (;)

Press Save & Test to save the profile and check the connection is working


  • In case you must connect to a database through an SSH tunnel, you can enable the SSH option and fill in the parameter:
    • Host: The host where the entrance of the tunnel is created.
    • Port: The local port of the SSH tunnel
    • User: The user to authenticate on the SSH end point.

Custom timeout


The Oracle monitors will need to peform SELECT queries on the below tables:

  • v$sysstat
/home/clients/8c48b436badcd3a0bdaaba8c59a54bf1/wiki-web/data/pages/products/promonitor/6.8/userguide/configuration/systemsconnectors/oracle.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/01 18:35 (external edit)