
Install Pro.Monitor on Linux

Installation prerequisites

  • Install JAVA openjdk x64.
  • No /opt/Pro.Monitor folder must exist, otherwise the install script will not install the application

Install or Upgrade Pro.Monitor using Shell Script

Install Pro.Monitor

  • Download the TarGZ file on the server. As root user, un-compress the archive in /home/[loggued user] DO NOT USE /OPT TO UNTAR !:
    • tar -zxvf [ARCHIVE FILE NAME]
  • Then, run installation script as root, wait for the installation to be finished in /opt (default setting)
    • ./
  • Start Pro.Monitor with systemctl
    • systemctl start promonitor

Update Pro.Monitor from V6.7 base

  • Perform a configuration snapshot (recommended)
  • Download the TarGZ file on the server. As root user, un-compress the archive in the /home/[loggued user] directory : DO NOT USE /OPT TO UNTAR !
    • tar -zxvf [ARCHIVE FILE NAME]
  • Then, run update script as root, wait for the update to be finished in /opt (default setting):
    • ./
  • Start Pro Monitor with systemctl
  • systemctl start promonitor

Open the application

  • Once the service is started, visit http://localhost:8888 to access the application
  • Default credentials
    • User: admin
    • Password: admin

Default ports

  • By defaults Pro.Monitor servers listens on 8888 for HTTP and 8443 for HTTPS
  • You can change those ports in the /opt/Pro.Monitor/bin/
    • -Dport.http.nonssl=8888
    • -Dport.http.ssl=8443


To be able to configure and use Pro.Monitor, the admin port (by default 8888) should be open

* Check if Network Firewall is enabled

    • systemctl status firewalld

If the state is Active and Loaded, this means that it has been started

  • Other Linux
    • sudo iptables -L
    • This will shows the firewall rules, check if rules are applied to the different chains. Please see the Firewall Section below
  • Use the following command to open port 8888 and reload configuration
    • sudo firewall-cmd –zone=public –add-port=8888/tcp –permanent
    • sudo firewall-cmd –reload
  • Other Linux
  • Use the following command to open port 8888
    • sudo iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -m tcp –dport 8888 -j ACCEPT
    • sudo service iptables save

Pro.Monitor life cycle

  • To start, stop or restart Pro.Monitor, it is recommended to use its service controls directly.
    • systemctl start/stop promonitor
  • A restart can also be triggered from the Settings→Admin menu→Maintenance

Proxy settings

  • To use a proxy for outgoing HTTP and HTTPS connections, edit bin/ file from promonitor server
  • Add to the JAVA_OPTS variable the following parameters:
    • -Dhttps.proxyPort=<HTTPS proxy port> and -Dhttps.proxyHost=<HTTPS proxy host>
    • -Dhttp.proxyPort=<HTTP proxy port> and -Dhttp.proxyHost=<HTTP proxy host>
/home/clients/8c48b436badcd3a0bdaaba8c59a54bf1/wiki-web/data/pages/products/promonitor/6.8_old/installguide/installpromonitorlinux.txt · Last modified: 2023/03/15 14:51 (external edit)