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Release note


  • After an upgrade, some UI bugs can be experienced on your browser. If it is the case, try clearing your browser cache (Ctrl+F5 for Chrome/Firefox)
  • You must provide SAP drivers for NetWeaver and HANA at first installation (see install guide)
  • We advise using latest version of Java openJDK (free to use) instead of JAVA JRE (subject to license costs, as per Oracle new EULA)


  • Only use with Java 11 or greater
  • When using Pro.Monitor in a multi agent architecture, it is advised to upgrade all agents and server with the same version
  • DO NOT use an agent with a greater version than server

V6.8.6 Main changes

Build 3596

Type Description
Bug DATADOG plugin : “Last Successful Sent Alarm” statistic not updating correctly
Bug Fix connexion properties for MS SQL, Oracle and Sybase jdbc connexion
Bug HANA backups: Uses wrong metadata type
Bug HANA disk usage: filtering issue on disk usage causing false alarms
Bug ICM status: False alarm if FM returns empty results
Bug License: Error parsing license date
Bug MSSQL autogrowth returns negative values
Bug ProMonitor plugin: Chunk size not taken into account
Improvement Add HTTP Request Timeout to Pro.Monitor Plugin
Improvement Add job status text in SAP job metadata
Improvement Add Missing QRFC status : NOEXEC
Improvement Add new connector db for DB2 database
Improvement Add new kinds of environments
Improvement Adding display for license usage
Improvement Change TRFC query delimiter
Improvement Collector info: collect current java version
Improvement Database backups: Add more logs for DB2
Improvement Dumps: don't store dump older than lastExecTime in metadata
Improvement HANA backups: Add timestamp metric and improve query
Improvement ICM Status: Monitor ICM services
Improvement Import Exported configurations in CSV - Beta
Improvement Failover mode: Make failover compatible with multi agent mode
Improvement Upgrade Kafka lib : CVE-2020-1938
Improvement LDAP test: Display memberOf properties associated with users
Improvement Mail plugin : Make name plugin required
Improvement RFC Destinations check: Allow using advanced filtering in AS exclusion
Improvement RFC Destinations monitor: Add support for %SID% variable in destination names
Improvement SAP GUI XML import
Improvement SAP jobs: Use exclusion lists for real time monitoring
Improvement SAPConnect: Set max fetch time to 7 days
Improvement Send jobs error from Collector to Cockpit
Improvement SOST - SAPConnect: Improve monitor
Improvement Syslogs: Add conditional send metadata, refactor metrics, add exclusives
Improvement System can be migrated from one group to another.
Improvement Update Connector Status to UNKNOWN if no connection test in last 5 minutes
Improvement Upgrade spring-security dependency in Crypto project : CVE-2024-22243
Improvement New Licensing management

V6.8.5 Main changes

Build 3501 (2023-12-22)

Type Description
Bug Fix reported collector heap memory usage
Bug ABAP instance memory : Fix divide by zero error
Improvements Compress metadata
Improvements New license management
Improvements HANA backups: Add send metadata option
Improvements HANA SDI: Add mandatory field
Improvements Alarm rules: Add CC and BCC prefixes
Improvements Remove Spring-Config vulnerability
New feature Web API monitor (beta)

Build 3390 (2023-09-04)

Type Description
Bug MAXDB Check Admin State under Performances : FALSE Alarm
Bug Display bug for connector custom timeout if user is not admin
Bug SCPI Message logs monitor: Fix severity issue and collect messages per chunk
Bug SAP jobs: Occurence check by interval is missing slots
Improvements Connector check alarm: Add connection error in the alarm message
Improvements Instance check: Collect Kernel and patch releases for instances, even if not registered
Improvements Oracle backups: limit backup query to the last 30 days
Improvements MSSQL DB backups: Check all databases backups
Improvements Update quartz dependency : CVE-2023-39017
Improvements SAP jobs/process chains wizard: Move scheduled period field
Improvements MaxDB Deadlocks: Change query to cope with old versions
Improvements Collect ip adress for each connector
New feature HANA SDI monitor

Build 3340 (2023-07-14)

Type Description
Improvements HANA backups: Add multi-threshold capabilitites
Improvements Add exclusive option for Shortdumps, Updates, IDOCS and PIXI messages
Improvements SAP transactions time : add Multi threads request (beta)
Improvements Datadog plugin: Limit size of logs
Improvements MSSQL connector: Add more connector settings
Bug PI/XI Abap messages: Send non Aggregate alarms in aggregate mode
Bug Fix ABAP telnet check order
Bug “customized” tag not removed after Deactivating/activating a monitor
Bug Alarm rules: Schedule rule per hour is not working if start time greater than end time

Build 3303 (2023-06-08)

Type Description
New feature Add SAML2 support for application user authentication
Improvements Fix vulnerabilities inherited from libraries
Improvements Improve performance for agent authentication

Build 3265 (09/05/2023)

type description
New feature Add GCL plugin
Improvement MSSQL: Renew MSSQL driver to allow NTLM connection and improve metrics
Improvement MSSQL: Add a trust server certiticate option to the connector
Improvement SCPI Message logs monitor: Add Package name filter
Improvement IDOC: Add multi thresholds capabilities
Improvement Datadog plugin: Fix host not found issue
Improvement HANA disk monitor: Refactoring
Improvement DataDog plugin: Add checkbox to send alarms, metrics and logs
Bug Oracle table spaces check fails when size info is empty on one TS

Build 3128 (18/01/2023)

type description
Improvement Failover mode
Improvement SAPControl Certificates Monitor
Improvement MaxDB backups monitor
Improvement HTTP connector
Improvement Auditlogs monitor
Improvement SCPI Message Logs monitor
Improvement SCPI Message logs monitor: Alarms per correlationID
Improvement Datadog plugin: Add the possibility to track distinct metrics
Improvement MaxDb performance: Add metrics
Improvement Web service check: Use different availability metric & alarm
Improvement GenericEventServer: Change installedSw - Add stack version
Improvement Oracle table space: Get rid of auto extend setting
Improvement Syslogs: Improve send metadata and add logs
Improvement Datadog plugin: Add custom tags field
Improvement Oracle table space: Add exclusive and minimum size fields
Improvement Email plugins: Add %HOSTNAME% variable
Improvement SAP jobs: Collect user field
Improvement SQL Check: Change aggregate behavior
Improvement Fix vulnerability on dependencies
Improvement Oracle Tablespace: Manage TS autoextend
Improvement Datadog: Add syslog metadata
Improvement SapTransactionTimes: Extend data collection
Improvement Job test: Display full metric key instead of just metric name
Improvement Datadog plugin: Add support for IDOC in logs
Improvement Improve MSSQL File and disk size metrics
Improvement SAP jobs: Change aborted jobs alarm message and supp key when non aggregate
Improvement Datadog plugin: Add service checks for system availability
Improvement Datadog plugin: add metrics payload config parameter
Improvement Truststore: Make possible to set trustore file by parameters
Improvement HANA replication status: Add secondary host filter
Improvement API /monitoring/landscapes: Add DB_HOST & DB_SID
Improvement IDOC Add option to collect all idoc
Improvement Add Telnet check in connector check
Bug Alarm rule: alarm recipients are leaking when used on multiple plugins
Bug Idoc alarms not sent if system TZ is different than PM
Bug SybaseBackup: Backup age can be a negative value
Bug SysLog: Fix date parsing issue
Bug Sybase backups: Fix timezone issue

V6.8.3 Main changes

Build 2924 (16/03/2022)

type description
Improvement Truststore: Make possible to set trustore file by parameters
Improvement IDOC: Simplify metrics generation
Improvement Datadog plugin: Change source name to agentil_software_sap_netweaver
Improvement SAP jobs: Change aborted jobs alarm message and supp key when non aggregate
Improvement MSSQL backup: Fix wrong metrics values
Improvement Datadog plugin: Add support for IDOC in logs
Improvement Improved SQLcheck configuration
Improvement Fix vulnerability on spring/log4j dependencies
Improvement SAPconnect: monitor optimized to collect less results
Improvement SAP transactions monitor: Collect more preformance metrics
Bug Fix Sybase backup timezone issue
Bug HTTPS port replaced in server.xml instead of
Bug OracleBackups: Autoextend not collected with size
Bug Instance check status: Failed to alert when no instance are set
Bug Fix UIM plugin endpoint
Bug Customization Audit report: Add missing system role
Bug Idoc alarms not sent if system TZ is different than PM

Build 2813 (16/03/2022)

type description
Improvement Datadog: Add syslog metadata
Improvement SAPConnect: Add options for SOOD table query
Bug Syslog: From time is not using local system timezone
Bug Fix JDK17 compatibility issue with hibernate & derby
Bug Job parsing error: add more logs
Bug Fix sybase backups age wrongly reporting old DELTA backups
Bug Fix RFC_READ_TABLE returned fields order
Bug Alarm rules: Fixes special match
Bug Fix plugin clearError bug

Build 2795 (24/02/2022)

type description
New Feature Push Drivers from CI to Agents
Improvement MSSQL: Add db used space
Improvement BusinessObjects: Improve metrics generation
Improvement Authorizations: filter on group names
Improvement Enable to filter on tags and groups in authorization profile modal
Improvement Profile Customization report: Add connector state
Improvement GenericEventServer: Set instance name as connector name when missing
Improvement Monitor jobs scheduling improvements
Improvement Use group name instead of group shortname in generic event server
Improvement Allow to add DB connectors under BO system
Improvement Speed up license check
Improvement Datadog plugin: Handle organizations
Improvement Custo report: add fields
Improvement Sap jobs: Add aggregated delay check
Improvement SAP jobs: Add job recipients table
Bug OracleBackups: Failed to add backups in reports
Bug GenericEventServer not imported from snapshots
Bug Dump details: DATA_LOSS dump after new upgrade
Bug Company name on group lost after apply snapshot
Bug Fix external metadata collector not picking data sometimes
Bug System change tracking: Wrongly reports change on group
Bug ApplicationLogs: Fix SPAS field
Bug Report Email Sending : Use TLS 1.2 and fix file extension in attachement
Bug RFC_READ_TABLE compatibility with 7.50 PL 22
/home/clients/8c48b436badcd3a0bdaaba8c59a54bf1/wiki-web/data/pages/products/promonitor/6.8_old/releasenote.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/26 10:55 (external edit)