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Installation problems

Service doesn't start

  • The installer ran successfully, but you can't reach the UI with your web browser.

How to investigate

  • Open the services screen in windows task manager
  • Check that Pro.Monitor service is installed and running
  • If it is not running, you probably had problem during service installation.

How to fix

  • Open a windows shell and go to [ProMonitor install path]\bin
  • execute: services.bat install ProMonitorTest
  • If you see an error message relating JAVA_HOME env variable:
    • Check you installed only the java JRE and not JDK
    • Set JRE_HOME=[Java install path] in your environment variables (Not adding the bin folder), by Example: C:\Program_Files\Java\jre1.8.0_171
    • Remove JAVA_HOME variable
    • Open a new windows shell and go to [ProMonitor install path]\bin
    • Execute sc delete Pro_Monitor
    • Execute services.bat install Pro_Monitor
    • if the command is successfull, then the service can be installed correctly.
    • Execute sc delete Pro_Monitor to remove it again and let the installer do the job.
    • Uninstall ProMonitor by running the uninst000.exe file from Pro.Monitor install folder.
    • Execute the installer again, the service should be created correctly this time.
  • If you see an error saying “Problem finding JAVA”:
    • Run the pro_monitorw.exe program from *bin* folder, Tomcat property screen will open.
    • Got to java section and check that Java Virtual Machine section is well configured: It must point to the bin\server\jvm.dll file

All connectors stay in UNKNOWN state

  • You can log in the server, but monitoring doesn't seem to work: Perhaps the worker cannot find java:
    • Remove folder C:\ProgramData\Oracle
    • Remove any java.exe or javaw.exe file in C:\Windows\system32 and C:\Windows\SysWOW64
    • Make sure that the PATH SYSTEM variable contains the path to java.exe
/home/clients/8c48b436badcd3a0bdaaba8c59a54bf1/wiki-web/data/pages/products/promonitor/6.8_old/troubleshooting/install.txt · Last modified: 2021/10/13 13:30 (external edit)