
Google Cloud Logging plugin


  • The GCL plugins allows to integrate Pro.Monitor with Google Cloud Logging
  • Monitoring data discovered by Pro.Monitor will become visible in Google Cloud Logging as logs


  • The Google Cloud Logging plugin will directly connect to your cloud instance by Google API endpoints.
  • To configure the plugin, you need to register the parameters below.
  • Note: Service Accounts & key must be generated first on your IAM & Admin for allowing connection (see Service account & keys section below)
  • Also, make sure Google API & services are enabled
Parameter Description Example
Name A name of your choice for the plugin My Google Cloud Logging
Project id The Google Project id semiotic-karma-384208
JSON authentication key JSON authentication key to use to connect to the Google Cloud Logging provided by Google
Monitored resource type Monitored resource types used in the Logging API GCS Bucket OR Cloud Pub/Sub Subscription

Other parameters following the Monitored resource types can be needed

GCS Bucket

Parameter Description Example
project_id The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as “my-project”
bucket_name An immutable name of the bucket false
location Location of the bucket false

Cloud Pub/Sub Subscription

Parameter Description Example
project_id The identifier of the GCP project associated with this resource, such as “my-project”
subscription_id The identifier of the subscription, such as “my-subscription”.

Google documentation :

Service account & keys

  • To create those keys, connect to your IAM & Admin and open the Service Accounts
  • Add the role Logs Writer
  • Generate the JSON key


Pro.Monitor is using logs interface to send the following data

SAP jobs

  • tags:
    • job_name
    • client
    • status
    • start_date
    • end_date
  • Example:
    • Mar 16 09:22:48.000 SAP_JOBS name:SAP_COLLECTOR_PERFMON_RSHOSTDB client:000 user: status:FINISHED Start:09:22:48 End:09:22:48


  • tags:
    • date
    • client
    • user
    • error
    • instance
    • message
  • Example:
    • Mar 16 08:00:27.000 SAP_SHORTDUMPS instance:saa69_PSM_00 client:001 errorid:DYNPRO_SEND_IN_BACKGROUND report:RLCR_XI_STAYING_ALIVE

System logs

  • tags:
    • instance
    • date
    • area
    • program
    • subid
    • user
  • Example:
    • aglges4has.agentil.local SAP_SYSLOGS instance:aglges4has_S4H_00 user:BASISJOBS program:RSSNAPDL area:AB subId:D text:Short dump deleted with default tool RSSNAPDL
/home/clients/8c48b436badcd3a0bdaaba8c59a54bf1/wiki-web/data/pages/products/promonitor/6.8_old/userguide/configuration/plugins/gcl.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/05 15:24 (external edit)