
Web service connector


The web service connector can be used to monitor HTTP API endpoints, such as any REST service or SAP CPI/BTP cloud instances


Parameter Description
Title The display name of the connector
URL The base URL of the web service
Authentication type The authentication method to use
User The user credentials to use for BASIC authentification
Availability end point If set, this will be used to test Web service availability
Authentication server OAUTH2 authentication server providing tokens
Client Id The client Id for OAUTH client authentication
Client secret the client secret for OAUTH client authentication
Client authentication mode To use with OAUTH, defines how authentication parameters are sent
Access Token The token to use for Bearer token authentication
Authentication parameters Used to specify additional header parameters and for future use

Authentication method

Method Description
NONE Connect without authentication
BASIC Do a basic authentication using the provided user profile
TOKEN Do an authentication with a Bearer Token, you must set the tocken field
HEADERS Authentication by headers: Set the header key=value to use in the properties
OAUTH2_CLIENT_CREDENTIALS Use OAUTH2 and authenticate to token server with a clientId/secret pair
OAUTH2_PASSWORD_CREDENTIALS Use OAUTH2 and authenticate to token server with the user/password pair of the assigned user profile

Availability metric

  • The metric used to set connector availability is “webservice_availability”.
  • It will be set to 1 if the connector successfully connects to the availability end point. It will be set to 0 otherwise.

Custom timeout

/home/clients/8c48b436badcd3a0bdaaba8c59a54bf1/wiki-web/data/pages/products/promonitor/6.8_old/userguide/configuration/systemsconnectors/webservice.txt · Last modified: 2023/08/24 17:55 (external edit)