The first release of the SAP powerpack using REST integration
Covers ABAP, J2EE, HANA, BusinessObjects and Sybase systems
The connection to Pro.Monitor will work by using the Generic events server plugin, with Enable Cache option active.
The Pro.Monitor's ScienceLogic plugin is meant to be used with the former SAP powerpack.
After an upgrade, some UI bugs can be experienced on your browser. If it is the case, try clearing your browser cache (Ctrl+F5 for Chrome/Firefox)
V1.0 Main changes
Release date: 01/12/2020
New Feature
Support of ABAP devices
New Feature
Support of J2EE devices
New Feature
Support of HANA devices
New Feature
Support of BusinessObjects devices
New Feature
Support of Sybase devices
/home/clients/8c48b436badcd3a0bdaaba8c59a54bf1/wiki-web/data/pages/products/promonitor_plugins/sl1/1.0/releasenotes.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/15 14:12 by rbariou